Source code for ct_segnet.stats

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A module for estimating
    1. signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for binarizable datasets.  
    2. accuracy metrics for segmentation maps.  


import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import matplotlib as mpl
from ct_segnet.data_utils.data_io import Parallelize

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def calc_SNR(img, seg_img, labels = (0,1), mask_ratio = None): """ SNR = 1 / s*sqrt(std0^^2 + std1^^2) where s = 1 / (mu1 - mu0) mu1, std1 and mu0, std0 are the mean / std values for each of the segmented regions respectively (pix value = 1) and (pix value = 0). seg_img is used as mask to determine stats in each region. Parameters ---------- img : np.array raw input image (2D or 3D) seg_img : np.array segmentation map (2D or 3D) labels : tuple an ordered list of two label values in the image. The high value is interpreted as the signal and low value is the background. mask_ratio : float or None If not None, a float in (0,1). The data are cropped such that the voxels / pixels outside the circular mask are ignored. Returns ------- float SNR of img w.r.t seg_img """ # handle circular mask if mask_ratio is not None: crop_val = int(img.shape[-1]*0.5*(1 - mask_ratio/np.sqrt(2))) crop_slice = slice(crop_val, -crop_val) if img.ndim == 2: # 2D image img = img[crop_slice, crop_slice] seg_img = seg_img[crop_slice, crop_slice] elif img.ndim == 3: # 3D image vcrop = int(img.shape[0]*(1-mask_ratio)) vcrop_slice = slice(vcrop, -vcrop) img = img[vcrop_slice, crop_slice, crop_slice] seg_img = seg_img[vcrop_slice, crop_slice, crop_slice] pix_1 = img[seg_img == labels[1]] pix_0 = img[seg_img == labels[0]] mu1 = np.mean(pix_1) mu0 = np.mean(pix_0) s = abs(1/(mu1 - mu0)) std1 = np.std(pix_1) std0 = np.std(pix_0) std = np.sqrt(0.5*(std1**2 + std0**2)) std = s*std return 1/std
[docs]def ROC(thresh, true_img = None, seg_img = None): """ Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve Parameters ---------- thresh : float threshold value true_img : numpy.array ground truth segmentation map (ny, nx) seg_img : numpy.array predicted segmentation map (ny, nx) Returns ------- tuple FPR, TPR """ y_p = np.zeros_like(seg_img) y_p[seg_img > thresh] = 1 true_img = np.copy(true_img) TN = np.sum((1-true_img)*(1-y_p)).astype(np.float32) FP = np.sum((1-true_img)*y_p).astype(np.float32) TNR = TN / (TN + FP) FPR = 1 - TNR TP = np.sum(true_img*y_p).astype(np.float32) FN = np.sum(true_img*(1-y_p)).astype(np.float32) TPR = TP / (TP + FN) return (FPR, TPR)
[docs]def calc_jac_acc(true_img, seg_img): """ Parameters ---------- true_img : np.array ground truth segmentation map (ny, nx) seg_img : np.array predicted segmentation map (ny, nx) Returns ------- float Jaccard accuracy or Intersection over Union """ seg_img = np.round(np.copy(seg_img)) jac_acc = (np.sum(seg_img*(true_img == 1)) + 1) / (np.sum(seg_img) + np.sum((true_img == 1)) - np.sum(seg_img*(true_img == 1)) + 1) return jac_acc
[docs]def calc_dice_coeff(true_img, seg_img): """ Parameters ---------- true_img : np.array ground truth segmentation map (ny, nx) seg_img : np.array predicted segmentation map (ny, nx) Returns ------- float Dice coefficient """ seg_img = np.round(np.copy(seg_img)) dice = (2*np.sum(seg_img*(true_img == 1)) + 1) / (np.sum(seg_img) + np.sum((true_img == 1)) + 1) return dice
[docs]def fidelity(true_imgs, seg_imgs, tolerance = 0.95): """ Fidelity is number of images with IoU > tolerance Parameters ---------- tolerance : float tolerance (default = 0.95) true_imgs : numpy.array list of ground truth segmentation maps (nimgs, ny, nx) seg_imgs : numpy.array list of predicted segmentation maps (nimgs, ny, nx) Returns ------- float Fidelity """ XY = [(true_imgs[ii], seg_imgs[ii]) for ii in range(true_imgs.shape[0])] del true_imgs del seg_imgs jac_acc = np.asarray(Parallelize(XY, calc_jac_acc, procs = cpu_count())) mean_IoU = np.mean(jac_acc) jac_fid = np.zeros_like(jac_acc) jac_fid[jac_acc > tolerance] = 1 jac_fid = np.sum(jac_fid).astype(np.float32) / np.size(jac_acc) return jac_fid, mean_IoU, jac_acc